Learn How to Grow your Health & Wellness Brand and Launch Your Own E-Commerce Store!

Create New Streams of Passive Income!

Build your Business to New Heights with Health Consultants & Experts!

Serve your clients with the best products, and create extra revenue with  

Tuesday, May 24th

@ 12:00PM CST, 10:00AM PST

A Word for Wellness Practitioners...

"I'm so excited to show you how you can take your Health & Wellness Business to the next level! 

Are you tired of sending your clients to Amazon, local health food stores, or other websites to order products?

Now you can send them to your own site, and you earn profits from sales!

"As an Executive Health & Business Consultant, my mission is to provide you with the high-level coaching, systems, technology, and top line products you need to provide the best experience for your clients. We've brought all of these together in one place to make it easy for you to scale your new passive stream of income."

- Christie
Are You Ready to Launch to Six Figures without  BURNOUT? We'll show you how!
Gain Access to Products Lines Available to Licensed Medical Professionals
Are there product lines that you want to recommend to clients, but you don't have access due to your credentials?

We are so excited to show you the SOLUTION! You will have access to exclusive product lines all in one place in your own store.

What more could you ask for?
Join the Webinar!
Receive your Roadmap to a Profitable E-Commerce Wellness Store
There are many incredible resources available to your clients on the site. There are individual items they can add to their cart, or bundles of products that are built for specific purposes.

 We'll help you understand these products so that you can confidently sell them on your site to clients with specific needs. 

Simple, Easy, and Profitable!
Learn to Scale your E-Commerce Store without Shipping or Inventory
Your clients won't have to search through tons of sites to find what their body needs, because you'll be there to help them! 

Alongside your store, you can educate your clients to help them understand how to steward their bodies, feel well, and experience breakthrough. 

Each client case is unique, and now you have solutions right at your fingertips!
Work Directly with Christie & Her Team of Experts to Build & Expand Your Business!
Level 1
If you're ready to to grow your business like crazy with your new E-Commerce Wellness Store, you'll want to learn everything there is to know about your new products and resources! 

In the "Coach" level, you'll learn from Christie Steiger along with other Health & Wellness Business Consultants & Experts. 

We're going to help you become the BEST coach or practitioner you can be, so that you can confidently grow and serve your audience the way you want to!
Level 2
"Consult" is where we take your business strategy, operations, and elements into consideration under a microscope. 

With this program, Christie and the Team at ZyraLife will take a look under the hood of your business to diagnose how you are currently utilizing your systems, processes, personnel, and client relationships. 

Then, we'll partner with you to help you personally as a leader, and to help your business scale with simplicity so that you love what you build. 
Level 3
This is our highest tier program, designed for Coaches & Practitioners who already run and operate successful business, but want to grow to new heights with the help of ZyraLife and Christie Steiger! 

For this program, we require a thorough application process beginning with a simple strategy call where we can learn more about who you are, what you do, and where you desire to take your business.

Our team will work alongside you to build while educating and equipping you to steward the expansion with integrity.

Let's do this! I'll see you in the Facebook Group!

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